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2008-5-4 01:26 alexandertam

我唔知有冇 post 錯區, 新手一個


Sorry 各大大, 咁遲先比條 link 你地
保證電視睇唔倒既野! 電視冇播我地團結的中國人齊心大罵攪事的人  "F**k Y*u! 收**! 中國加油!!!"
事發當日, 回頭望見獅子抱, 立即大叫: "邊個舉雪山獅子抱呀?"

勞請各大大自己睇埋個 Ending

2008-5-4 19:13 akatsukihime
lol... hi i was really surprised watching ur vid cuz i was at the same spot seeing the same protests that day... I wonder if we met XD...

2008-5-4 22:12 alexandertam
Hey! I wear a red T-shirt with stickers on both arms,  and a pair of blue jeans. No glasses, quite tall I can say I am.

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