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2008-1-7 14:58 autopencil

Artist: Natalie Imbruglia
Title: Glorious: The Singles, 97-07
Release date: 10/09/2007
Total Tracks: 14
Genre: Pop
Label: Brightside Recordings

Track Listing
1 Glorious   03:23
2 Counting Down The Days   04:09
3 Torn   03:00
4 Wrong Impression   04:17
5 Smoke   04:37
6 Shiver   03:42
7 Wishing I Was There   03:52
8 That Day   04:43
9 Big Mistake   04:32
10 Beauty On The Fire   04:15
11 Be With You   03:46
12 Amelia   04:27
13 Against The Wall   03:47
14 Stuck On The Moon   03:37

With sales of 10 million and a total of 3 years on the UK charts, Natalie Imbruglia remains one of the most critically acclaimed, commercially successful female artists of the last decade. Ten years since the release of her smash-hit debut 'Left Of The Middle', she returns on September 10th with 'Glorious: The Singles 1997-2007'. Her first ever hits collection, it spans all 3 albums – including 2001's 'White Lilies Island' and the Number 1 'Counting Down The Days' – and precedes her eagerly awaited 4th studio LP, due early 2008.

Featuring 9 essential hit singles including the Grammy nominated 'Torn' – one of the UK's Top-100 best-selling singles of all time – it also boasts 'Smoke’, 'Big Mistake', 'Shiver' – the Number 1 airplay record of 2005 - 'Wrong Impression' and 'Wishing I Was There'.

The highly anticipated collection also features five brand new Natalie-penned songs including 'Be With You' and the new single 'Glorious'. In short, it's an accomplished anthology of songs – past, present and future.

她的璀璨  讓所有星光相形失色!

◎光芒特蒐全美電台14週冠軍曲〈Torn〉、〈Shiver〉、〈Wrong Impression〉、〈Smoke〉、〈Big Mistake〉等九首英國金榜代表作與〈Glorious〉等五首2007全新單曲。


雖然在16歲參演紅極一時的電視劇Neighbours而成名,仍對音樂情有獨鍾的娜塔莉,毅然決然放棄入手的大好前景,1996年離開家鄉到英國倫敦發展。首支單曲〈Torn〉,創下美國點播榜連霸14週冠軍,雖在英國金榜僅屈居亞軍位置,卻以銷售百餘萬張入籍英國「史上百大暢銷單曲」之列中、英國點播榜蟬連11週冠軍、贏得葛萊美「最佳流行女演唱人」入圍肯定、抱走MTV音樂獎「最佳新人」、進至Rock On The Net暢銷單曲藝人第11名席次、Billboard「年度最佳單曲」以及「最受歡迎女藝人」殊榮、英國太陽報票選「年度最佳女歌手」、美國知名DJ Rick Dees在他千禧年排行倒數秀中公開宣布,〈Torn〉為90年代最佳電台單曲冠軍,此聲勢讓娜塔莉一夜之間紅遍全球,首張專輯《Left Of The Middle》,全球總銷售高達七百五十萬張。接下來2001年《White Lilies Island》與2005年冠軍專輯《Counting Down the Days》,共交出三張專輯,累積全球突破千萬紀錄!

十年歲月一轉眼即過,娜塔莉交出首張單曲全記錄大作《Glorious : The Singles 1997-2007》,分享音樂輝煌戰績。珍藏九首排行之作,包括:一鳴驚人的百萬銷售單曲〈Torn〉;直襲英國金榜亞軍+澳洲榜Top6的〈Big Mistake〉;請來曾坐鎮麥當娜、珍娜傑克遜、克莉絲汀等MV的大導Matthew Rolston掌鏡之創意十足大作〈Smoke〉,英國金榜也有Top5佳績;專輯《White Lilies Island》於英國締造Top11佳績的第一波主打〈That Day〉、美國第一波主打〈Wrong Impression〉,創下美國成人抒情榜Top30+墨西哥點播榜亞軍+英國Top10;榮登2005年百大暢銷冠軍專輯《Counting Down the Days》中,銷售超過二十餘萬的主攻單曲〈Shiver〉。另外附上輕快動人的吉他搖滾主題曲〈Glorious〉、重回80年代復古新浪潮電子舞曲〈Be With You〉、動人抒情小品〈Stuck On The Moon〉等五首新作。

官網: [url]http://www.natalie-imbruglia.co.uk/[/url]

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