@KTzone » 音樂 - 資源超連 » 音樂 - 音樂資源超連 » 2020-12-05 CMO樂團 - 返 (MP3@320K@多空@26MB)

2020-12-11 01:30 s0932792
2020-12-05 CMO樂團 - 返 (MP3@320K@多空@26MB)

[b][color=blue]【音樂品質】:[/color]320K CBR [/b]

The cracked consciousness spread on the parallel Dimension. Without pain when it going groan. Or the way of the saliva is going retrograde. “Who are you?” I’m asking. At the time, I can't found the way when I'm falling. So I turned the round and hugged the land 、winds and the ocean those who was forgotten. I’m resting the head on the grass, laying on the cloud, leaning on the root. Just seeking myself.
01 - 返 Patatikol
02 - 鯨魚 'ISO
03 - 分裂 Maciriday







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