@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » 新研究:宗教與科學改變我們的大腦

2016-5-31 22:06 宅~有何不可

New study:Religion and science alter our brain
  According to a study that was published in the PLOS ONE journal, religious and scientific belief alter our brain in different ways. Researchers at the Case Reserve Western University discovered that individuals who are more spiritual tend to show a much larger degree of empathy when interacting with other people. On the opposite side, science aficionados tend to adopt an analytical way of thinking.
  根據一篇發表在「公共科學圖書館—綜合」(PLOS ONE)期刊的研究,宗教和科學信念各以不同方式,改變我們的大腦。凱斯西儲大學研究人員發現,在與他人互動時,重視精神層面的人更具同情心。相反的,科學愛好者更具分析思維。
  Previous research in the religion versus science field showed that spiritual individuals tend to be less intelligent than those who preferred science. But things are not that simple. It is true that religion and science alter our brain, but they both have their advantages.
  The study shows that the brains of religious people are less developed in the logical/critical areas but are more active in the social and emotional ones. This means that religious people are often more empathic and easy going than atheists. On the other hand, those who don’t believe in god are prone to analytic reasoning.
  Western Reserve philosophy professor Tony Jack said pushing aside an atheistic world view enables you to delve deeper into the social or emotional side. And that may be why beliefs in the supernatural exist throughout the history of cultures.

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