2014-8-4 15:49 mstudio_2011
The Oz Noy Trio

The Oz Noy Trio

It’s 2001 and the music environment is beginning to implode. The slogan we used to see

at the bottom of record ads “Available on LP and Cassette” is just a vague memory and

“Home Taping is Killing Music” is a joke compared to the excessive and rampant

illegal downloads. Pirated CDs and DVDs are everywhere.

Despite those odds, we decided to set up Jazz World, the record store. This was done

out of necessity for there weren’t any record stores willing to stock an impressive

array of jazz titles. The big stores had so-called jazz sections, but instead of the

thrill of finding gems or classics, many would come out empty handed. As a result, Jazz

World was established. It has not been an easy ride, but Jazz World is still here,

thanks to your amazing support. We’ve moved with the times, including moving offices

four times as a result of excessive rent increases or being told to leave because the

landlord was going to tear down the building.



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