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2011-11-18 15:52 violinxx
帕格尼尼-小提琴和吉他的奏鳴曲 (2005-05-05@共169MB@320k@多空)

法國小提琴家吉特利斯曾說:「帕格尼尼不只是一個發展……先是有了前面的這些(小提琴家),然後帕格尼尼橫空出世了。」儘管帕格尼尼所採用的一些小提琴技巧在當時已經出現,技巧發展卻已經停滯不前。科萊里(1653年-1713年)被認為是小提琴技巧之夫,他將小提琴的地位從伴奏 樂器提升到了獨奏樂器。巴赫(1685年-1750年)的無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲和組曲(BWV 1001-1006)奠定了小提琴的復調演奏能力。第一部對小提琴技巧進行系統研究的作品是 盧卡特里(1693-1764)的24首隨想曲,儘管在今天演奏起來沒有問題,在創作的時代卻因難度過高而無法被演奏。當時的傑出小提琴家們更為關注的是音調和弓法(弦樂演奏家們稱為「右手技巧」)這兩個最基本但是很關鍵的問題。
01. Nicolo Paganini: Sonata for Violin and Guitar in A major.. Op. 2.. No. 1.. MS 26

Nicolo Paganini: Sonata for Violin and Guitar in A major.. Op. 2.. No. 1.. MS 26
02. Sonata for Violin and Guitar in C major.. Op. 2.. No. 2.. MS 26
03. Sonata for Violin and Guitar in D minor.. Op. 2.. No. 3.. MS 26
04. Sonata for Violin and Guitar in A major.. Op. 2.. No. 4.. MS 26
05. Sonata for Violin and Guitar in D major.. Op. 2.. No. 5.. MS 26
06. Sonata for Violin and Guitar in A minor.. Op. 2.. No. 6.. MS 26

Nicolo Paganini: Sonata for Violin and Guitar in A major.. Op. 3.. MS 27
07. Sonata for Violin and Guitar in A major.. Op. 3.. No. 1.. MS 27
08. Sonata for Violin and Guitar in G major.. Op. 3.. No. 2.. MS 27
09. Sonata for Violin and Guitar in D major.. Op. 3.. No. 3.. MS 27
10. Sonata for Violin and Guitar in A minor.. Op. 3.. No. 4.. MS 27
11. Sonata for Violin and Guitar in A major.. Op. 3.. No. 5.. MS 27
12. Sonata for Violin and Guitar in E minor.. Op. 3.. No. 6.. MS 27

13. Nicolo Paganini: Cantabile e Valtz.. Op. 19.. MS 45

Nicolo Paganini: Duetto amoroso.. Op. 63.. MS 111
14. I. Principio (Beginning): Allegretto
15. II. Preghiera (Prayer): Andante
16. III. Acconsentito (Acconsented): Allegretto
17. IV. Timidezza (Shyness): Allegro
18. V. Contentezza (Happiness): Andantino
19. VI. Lite (Argument): Allegro assai
20. VII. Pace (Peace): Comodo
21. VIII. Segnale d'amore (Love Sign): Allegretto
22. IX. Notizia della partenza (News of departure): Allegretto moderato
23. X. Distacco (Separation): Allegro molto

24. Nicolo Paganini: Cantabile in D major.. Op. 17.. MS 109 (arr. for violin and guitar)

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2011-11-19 13:20 1920343
thank you very much

2011-11-19 21:45 wongtaisin111

2011-11-20 18:34 18L
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2011-11-21 15:30 yjt1018

2011-11-21 20:46 conny771005

2011-11-22 00:37 hjiu
thank you.

2011-11-25 15:30 cyber1980

2011-12-4 12:02 bosshu
good good

2011-12-4 12:31 tipola123456

2011-12-5 22:19 cheinwanghsing
thks!! thks!! thks!! thks!! thks!! thks!! thks!!

2011-12-8 15:34 sukisuki1982
like classic very much

2013-8-1 22:13 台灣之子
push .......................................

2013-8-2 23:36 drj20
thx sharing

2013-8-3 15:32 ha-chu
thanks for sharing

2013-8-24 09:43 annie0730
Thanks for sharing.

2013-8-24 13:51 odinmine

2013-8-31 06:56 qqtion

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